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The Optical Kitchen



The Optical Kitchen, a revolutionary idea in eyewear and the process of picking out frames. Gone are the days of being constrained to only the colors some anonymous corporation said you should wear. Optical Kitchen allows you to select from a wide selection of frames and then create the color you want, the only limitation is your imagination. (more)



Deeply satisfying without overwhelming the senses.  Japanese aesthetic in a neoclassic setting.  Simply put, we strive to create something that makes others look twice and not stare.

Western design and aesthetics have taken over the world.  Big flavors – sweet, salty, spicy overwhelm and dull the senses. But more than enough is often too much.  In our quest for always more always bigger we have deadened our senses, the more we have the less satisfied we are, our products and our lives lack the depth, lack staying power, force us to move on, we are never satisfied.  In our quest we are told we will be happy if we follow the crowd, only to find we don’t fit the ideal image of the crowd, and therefore ourselves.


Laibach & York


Laibach & York’s goal is to make high-quality eyewear accessible for everyone. High-quality and design, manufacturing, comfort and the best fit for your face. With their in-house design team and manufacturing facility, they guarantee excellent quality and provide trendy high-end eyewear.

Their massive stock of both vintage and new acetate, allows them to create eyewear in small quantities, which provides clients freedom of selecting their own L&Y frame in an amazing diversity of colors. By choosing only the best materials and parts, like Italian cellulose acetate, 3 & 5 barreled hinges and quadruple polishing for a stunning glossy finish, the end result is a perfect handmade frame, ergonomically designed for superior weight distribution. All created in their own manufacturing facility in Slovenia.